Hans Walser, [20130706]
Geometric Sequence and Triangles
Motivation: M. N. D., N.
Let a, b, c the sides of a triangle ABC such that (in this order)
is a geometric sequence. This means that we have a ratio r such that
Figure 1 gives an example with the ratio r = 1.2.
Fig. 1: Ratio r = 1.2
We will see that the Golden Section plays an important role in special cases of these triangles.
In the trivial case of r = 1 we have the equilateral triangle (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2: Equilateral triangle
For r > 1 we have a < b < c. The theorem of Pythagoras yields:
Golden Section comes in (Walser 2001 and Walser 2013). We
get the large Right Golden Triangle of Figure 3.
Fig. 3: Large Right Golden Triangle
For r < 1 we have a > b > c. The theorem of Pythagoras yields in this case:
We get the small Right Golden Triangle (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4: Small Right Golden Triangle
The small Golden Triangle fits into the large Golden Triangle (Fig. 5). It has the same shape like the large Right Golden Triangle, but a different orientation.
Fig. 5: Both Right Golden triangles
The triangle inequality gives the condition a + b > c. Hence
On the other side we have a < b + c. That means
we have the range .
Note that the ratios of the small Right Golden Triangle, the equilateral triangle, and the large Right Golden Triangle are within this range:
Together with the range bounds they are a geometric sequence.
For the general triangle we let two of the three vertices of the triangle fix and study the locus of the third point. There are three cases:
(i) B and C fix, A variable
(ii) C and A fix, B variable
(iii) A and B fix, C variable
In a
Cartesian coordinate system we choose ,
, and
(Fig. 6). For the
sides of the triangle we get:
The geometric sequence condition is:
This yields the implicit equation for the locus of A:
We have a curve of degree 4.
Fig. 6: B and C fix
For x = 0 we find the equilateral triangle (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7: Equilateral triangle
Note that the side AB of the equilateral triangle is tangential to the curve. For the proof we use the gradient:
vector is orthogonal to
the curve, but also orthogonal to the side AB
of the equilateral triangle.
For we get the large
Right Golden triangle (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8: Right Golden Triangle
We find
also the small Right Golden Triangle (Fig. 9). Here we have
Fig. 9: Right Golden Triangle
Finally we find the Golden Section in different cases (Fig. 10 and 11). The major is indicated in blue and the minor in red.
Fig. 10: Golden Section
Fig. 11: Golden Section
Now we
choose and
(Fig. 12).
For the sides of the triangle we get:
The geometric sequence condition is again:
This yields the implicit equation for the locus of B:
Fig. 12: C and A fix
The curve looks like an ellipse, but this cannot be, since it is a curve of degree 4. Nevertheless the difference to the ellipse with the same semi axes is very small (Fig. 13).
Fig. 13: Curve compared with ellipse
Again we find an equilateral triangle (Fig. 14), Right Golden triangles (Fig. 15) and the golden Section (Fig. 16).
Fig. 14: Equilateral triangle
Fig. 15: Right Golden Triangle
Fig. 16: Golden Section
Now we
choose and
(Fig. 17).
For the sides of the triangle we get:
The geometric sequence condition is again:
This yields the implicit equation for the locus of C:
Fig. 17: A and B fix
The curve is symmetric to the curve of Figure 6.
Figure 18 shows the three curves in a triangular lattice. We see a lot of Golden Sections.
Fig. 18: The tree curves
Walser, Hans (2001): The Golden Section. Translated by Peter Hilton and Jean Pedersen. The Mathematical Association of America 2001. ISBN 0-88385-534-8.
Walser, Hans (6. Auflage). (2013). Der Goldene Schnitt. Mit einem Beitrag von Hans Wu§ing Ÿber populŠrwissenschaftliche Mathematikliteratur aus Leipzig. Leipzig: Edition am Gutenbergplatz. ISBN 978-3-937219-85-1.